Alone or TogetherDiscover Vallespir on your own
Enjoy the experience of reconnecting with nature with our partner Randôtrement. Here you can discover sustainable tourism in the forest and partake in activities that respect nature !
Looking for a real change from everyday life ? This is the activity for you !
Get back to basics, feel fulfilled and at peace. Rejuvenate by connecting with the trees with a forest bath and awaken your senses with guided hikes …
In 3 words, “ Randôtrement ” is Hiking, Reconnecting, and Transmitting !
An experience absolutely not to be missed!
Vallespir from the sky
Want to gain some height and lightness in Vallespir ?
Treat yourself to a paragliding flight ! An incredible experience in the sky which will allow you to savour our beautiful Catalan landscape from an exceptional viewpoint.
From above, a spectacular panorama awaits; you will see, from this a unique viewpoint, our coastline and to the opposite side, the Canigou, if you are lucky you may even spot Costa Brava on the Spanish coast.
Parapente 66 will be happy to share its passion for this sensational activity with you! An unforgettable experience to be had…
Discover the culture and traditions in Vallespir
Vallespir is an area with no shortage of museums! From Céret to Maureillas, without forgetting the town of Le Boulou, museums are spread across the valley.The Museum of Modern Art in Ceret One of the biggest museums in Occitanie !
It is in the shade of the plane trees of Céret that you will find the Museum of Modern Art. The museum is the result of stays and visits by the greatest artists of the twentieth century. It presents a historical collection of works by Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Gris, Soutine, Chagall… Created in 1950 by two protagonists of this artistic movement, Pierre Brune and Frank Burty Haviland, over the last twenty years the museum has acquired an international dimension.
Follow in the footsteps of the greatest painters of the last century in Céret.
Reopening March 5th 2022
Le Musée du Liège in Maureillas-las-IllasThe only cork museum in the region !
Founded by former cork-makers and inhabitants of the municipality of Maureillas-Las Illas, the museum introduces visitors to the life of the cork oak, its ecology, its harvest, its value and the multiple uses of cork. Throughout the visit, you will be able to explore the technique of stripping a tree without damaging it and follow the evolution of the cork from the 17th to the 20th century. The visit continues in a Catalan cellar from 1920 which reveals how the ancient relationship between cork and wine is still relevant today. Find out how, from a piece of cork, it is possible to create an item of clothing or even a work of art.
La Maison de l'eau et de la Méditerranée au BoulouPromises a journey to the heart of Water !
Five interactive and fun spaces immerse you in the discovery of Water in all its states. The visit provides a better understanding of the planetary challenges of preserving and safeguarding Water. Along the way, water is explained in all its forms. The presence of water is a permanent theme across Vallespir, but this is especially so in Le Boulou with the presence of the Tech and the thermal baths renowned for their unique water and therapeutic qualities. Whether you are young or old, a novice or a specialist, journey through a discovery of water across the world, through history and through science.
Le Musée of Music in CéretWith the largest collection of reed oboes in the world !
Céret possède également le Musée de la Musique. Ce dernier vous invite à la découverte des différentes cultures et univers musicaux avec sa collection permanente de 560 instruments de musique du monde.
Pour le centenaire de la disparition du musicien Déodat de Séverac à Céret, le Musée de la musique vous propose une exposition rétrospective jusqu’en décembre 2021, dédiée au parcours catalan du musicien dans la capitale du Vallespir. Une seconde exposition
permanente est également visible jusqu’au 24 décembre : “Cornemuses des Pyrénées à la Méditerranée”. Cette exposition vous propose de redécouvrir cette cornemuse si familière et pourtant méconnue, de faire revivre à travers elle les pratiques ancestrales bien vivantes qui
perpétuent les gestes du passé.
Le musée de la musique propose également de nombreux concerts et animations tout au long de l’année.

Get your shoes on!
Vallespir also offers 16 marked hikes for all levels and in the various municipalities of the area!
Lovers of nature and old buildings delight. Different paths lead you to discover a rich and diverse environment of fauna and flora and historical heritage … On the hike “Pilgrimage to the Chapel of Saint Ferréol “, discover this religious building and admire the panorama of the town of Céret! Don’t miss the old railway bridge, the traditional rural architecture, and the cork oak of the town of Reynès on the “Chemin des Mas” hike. Discover the banks of the Tech, the old village of Saint Jean Pla de Corts, its castle and its church by giving the “From the old village to the Lakes” hike a go. You can find our Little Hiking Guide at the Vallespir intercommunal tourist office for sale at a price of €3, or you can download for free on our website.
Get your shoes on and enjoy your walk!
In the saddle to travel through Vallespir!
The Vallespir is an area well-suited to cycling: many cycle paths have been established across the territory. In February 2020, the destination was granted the Pyrénées Méditerranée “Espace cyclosport” label from the French Cycling Federation.
Indeed, the greenway cycle route across the Mediterranean Pyrenees region is a cycling route that stretches over nearly 90 kilometers, between Argelès sur Mer, the Col de Panissars in Perthus and the Col d’Ares in Prats de Mollo. In Vallespir, there are nearly 33 kilometres of dedicated cycling routes. The Voie Verte cycle route is also part of the PIRINEXUS cross-border loop which links Northern Catalonia to Southern Catalonia over nearly 353 km. It allows you to cross the towns of Figueres and Girona.
The proposed routes are adapted to the level of practitioners: from beginners to high-level cyclists , and pass through the various municipalities highlighting points of interest enabling you to discover their heritage, quality of life, and hospitality…
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