On Saturday 15 Feb at 10:30 ATELIER PARENTS-ENFANTS "VOUS ET LE MUSEE, PORTRAIT EN FAMILLE" Saturday 15 February at 10.30am: parents and children workshop: "You and the museum, a family portrait". After browsing the modern art collection, ea... 8 Boulevard Maréchal Joffre Céret
On Saturday 15 Feb JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ Board games with the "Game en Vallespir" association - Subscribers only (on-site subscription possible) 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle Le Boulou
From 15 until 16 February ATELIERS D’ÉCRITURE DE TÉMOIGNAGES INTIMES AUTOUR DU PROJET DE CRÉATION EN TERRITOIRE « ET NOS CŒURS FONT BOUM » Workshops on writing intimate testimonies around the local creation project "Et nos cœurs font boum" organised by Compagnie Alma in partnership with t... 7 Boulevard Lafayette Céret
From 15 until 16 February VISITES COMMENTEES « ROBERT JULIA, UN REGARD HUMANISTE » Guided tours of the "Robert Julia, un regard humaniste" exhibition: Saturday 15 February at 3pm and Sunday 16 February at 10.30am and 3pm. Admission t... 8 Boulevard Maréchal Joffre Céret
From 1 January until 16 February SPLENDEURS DE CHINE The "Splendours of China in CERET", which focuses on Chinese lanterns, also offers the following activities: -Children's rides -Traditional Chinese s... Chemin Communal d'Aubiry Céret
From 22 January until 22 February EXPOSITION « AFFAIRES DE CŒUR » Affaires de cœur" exhibition by Francis Dietrich (opening on 1 February at 11am) 2 Rue du Commerce Céret
From 7 until 28 February EXPOSITION DE PEINTURE "DES ORGANISATIONS" The artist Julian SAINT-MARTIN presents us with a group of works that are an outline of a vision of the organisations of what exists, in particular of... 2 Avenue du Maréchal Joffre Maureillas-las-Illas
From 6 until 28 February EXPOSITION " L'ART NUMÉRIQUE" COLETTE MACHARD- SEVESTRE Colette Mâchard-Sevestre was born in 1956 in Pithiviers. "An atypical painter, my signature is contemporary art, and more specifically abstract art. M... Avenue Léon-Jean Grégory Le Boulou
From 1 until 28 February MUSÉE NUMÉRIQUE Digital Museum: "Musée d'Archéologie Nationale" Free admission 61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle Le Boulou
From 28 January until 22 March EXPOSITION MICHEL FOURQUET "Painting is an experience that you build on: you start from a point and don't let it out of your sight without having a preconceived idea; along the... Rue des Écoles Le Boulou
From 25 January until 29 March EXPOSITION « VAL » DE LA PHOTOGRAPHE SANDRINE EXPILLY Carving, tracing, shaping, modifying, organising, fragmenting, spalling, mastering (a little), taming (barely), holding back these indefatigable mount... Place Pablo Picasso Céret
From 7 December until 7 September ACCROCHAGE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE « ROBERT JULIA, UN REGARD HUMANISTE » Until 07 September 2025, the Céret Museum of Modern Art is presenting a selection of over 80 original prints by the photographer Robert Julia, togethe... 8 Boulevard Maréchal Joffre Céret