Exhibition, Cultural, Leisure, Painting
in Le Boulou
Colette Mâchard-Sevestre was born in 1956 in Pithiviers. "An atypical painter, my signature is contemporary art, and more specifically abstract art. My canvases unfold in different tones depending on the feelings and emotions I'm trying to convey." "I paint passionately and constantly, drawing my inspiration from the beauty of life and the goodness of people, and this is sincerely an inexhaustible source for me." "Painting... you're relentless, you can't paint without the strength of your...
Colette Mâchard-Sevestre was born in 1956 in Pithiviers. "An atypical painter, my signature is contemporary art, and more specifically abstract art. My canvases unfold in different tones depending on the feelings and emotions I'm trying to convey." "I paint passionately and constantly, drawing my inspiration from the beauty of life and the goodness of people, and this is sincerely an inexhaustible source for me." "Painting... you're relentless, you can't paint without the strength of your body." "You have to be almost stronger than yourself to approach painting you have to be stronger than what you paint said M.Duras for writing." "In painting I am not only looking for this form of freedom, but above all this contradiction, this complexity and I would add this complicity that make my canvases this very organised jumble." "I get bored very quickly with what I know and feed on what I don't know yet!
sevcolette@gmail.com Tel:
- From February 6, 2025 until February 28, 2025